December 7, 2018

The Bush (41) Education Legacy

By Bellwether

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In 74 I take a look at President George H.W. Bush’s legacy on education:

As the nation acknowledges President George H.W. Bush’s extraordinary legacy of service from the battlefields of the Pacific to the Oval Office by way of a lifetime of service in various elected and appointed posts, we might pause to also reflect on his consequential role in education. In fact, while the ceremonies and funeral arrangements were unfolding in Washington, education types were streaming into the city for Jeb Bush’s Excel in Ed conference — more familiarly known as JebFest — a timely reminder that despite the pushback, acrimony and evolution of education policy, we’re fundamentally still operating in an education world his father was instrumental in creating.

It seems like ancient history now, especially in today’s frenetic news cycles where weeks feel like months, but it was not that long ago, in 1989, when Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton called the nation’s governors together to discuss education…

Entire column here.

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