September 11, 2024

Navigating Change: Strategies to Strengthen California High Schools Amid Declining Enrollment

By Paul Beach | Carrie Hahnel | Tanvi Kodali

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California school districts are projected to have some of the steepest enrollment declines nationally in the years ahead. With those declines come budget pressures, since most districts are funded on a per-pupil basis. Many district leaders will need to permanently reduce the number of staff and schools and adjust programs and services. While district leaders have some experience making these tough decisions at the elementary and middle school levels, what is less understood is how to downsize high school facilities, programs, and services. The need for downsizing coincides with high schoolers showing low levels of engagement, motivation, and attendance, suggesting the structure of high school must change.  

Navigating Change: Strategies to Strengthen California High Schools Amid Declining Enrollment provides guidance on how districts in California and elsewhere can respond to declining enrollment in ways that strengthen high schools. While implementing broader budget adjustments, district leaders can also: 

  1. Adopt flexible course delivery models to maximize student choice amid a smaller workforce. 
  2. Partner with local organizations, agencies, and businesses to provide adolescents with services and supports through blended funding models. 
  3. Lease or sell closed or underutilized facilities and district property to support learning and address community needs. 

This report also describes the role state policymakers can play in helping districts navigate the fiscal challenges of declining enrollment. Recommendations include removing policy barriers that hinder high school redesign and efforts to maintain an effective workforce, supporting districts as they plan to close schools and repurpose facilities, and supporting districts in leveraging diverse funding sources and community partnerships to strengthen local programming. 

Together, these district strategies and state policy recommendations offer a road map for how California’s education leaders can improve and strengthen high schools while realigning budgets to new enrollment realities.   

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