This is one hell of a story and gets at some of the on-the-ground stuff that rarely penetrates the media conversation:
The union tactics at McKinley included requiring parents to show up at the school during the workday with a photo ID—a good way to scare off illegal immigrants—to verify their signatures.
Chad Aldeman on a Common Core workaround. Paul Hill and Ashley Jochim on another aspect of collateral damage from the WA State charter ruling. There are people with questions about teacher pension craziness.
People are also all worked up about teacher evaluations. But a lot of the debate about that issue is nuts. I don’t agree with all of this but here’s what a serious set of concerns look like via Denis Newman.
White, Educators Discuss Common Core Results. Commas sure do matter!
If you have dinner with Bob Slavin he may bust you for your educational privilege. Conor Williams will do the same and you won’t even get a dinner out of it. And more nuance on privilege via an interesting Times op-ed.
North Carolina teacher Romain Bertrand writes in RealClearEducation about reforming teacher pay. This is part of a series of teacher posts from Public Impact’s Opportunity Culture that RCE is publishing.
There are edujobs below, scroll down, and email me if you want to post one. Generally gets good results.
WSJ: De Blasio to Tie Education Agenda to Economic Inequality. And…on that point his critics and supporters in the education world can agree…