March 10, 2015

Edubook Notes

By Bellwether

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Couple of new education books worth checking out.

In The End of College (Riverhead Books) Kevin Carey takes a look at trends and technology that could radically change the institution of college. It’s a very readable, often first person, look at the transitions underway in higher education. Ryan Craig takes a look at the same issues and shares many of the same indictments and possibilities in College Disrupted (Palgrave Macmillan). There are some important differences between them but collectively both books are a great primer on what’s happening and what could be next in higher education.

A different slice of the higher education equation is How Did You Get Here? (Harvard Education Press) by Thomas Hehir and Laura Schifter. They take a look at the experiences of students with disabilities attending Harvard. It’s generally useful to beware anecdotes but these are some stories worth reading.

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