December 17, 2015

Kids First! Always. WA Charters, CA Eval, And A Lot Of Trash Talking On ESSA. Have Fake Common Core Repeals Run Their Course?

By Bellwether

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It’s all about the kids:

“The accountability conversation sometimes pits two Democratic constituencies against each other,” Murphy told Morning Education. The lawmakers putting the measure together “worked hard to put together an amendment that caused the least amount of antagonism from labor as possible,” but the amendment didn’t garner the National Education Association’s support. Supporters like Murphy were working down to the wire to get Democrats to line up behind their proposal, which they mostly did, and the strong support sent a message that the party was pro-accountability.

WA State campaign to keep charters open. Teacher evaluation is a circus in CA (pdf). Breaking: School turnarounds are hard. Some early trash talking on ESSA regulations. More here. And even more here.

Uh oh. Are people wising up that just adding the state flower and state song to student standards isn’t really a Common Core overhaul? This has been a conspiracy of silence so far in a bunch of states so Common Core critics can claim a victory and raise more money and Common Core proponents are happy to go along with fake overhauls. Is the gig up?

The Times on Success Academy school day. Version 1. Version 2.

Adorable panda.

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