May 22, 2017

Must-Read Bradford, Pension Data And Pension Practice, Williams Gets Personal, How We Don’t Learn, School Debates, Prison Ed Reform, Private School Transcripts, Snakes, More!

By Bellwether

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Last week Chad Aldeman and Kelly Robson published an analysis showing that teacher pensions don’t work very well for teachers. How could they tell? They actual data from the pension funds themselves – as Chad explains more here.  And using pension data Chad also takes a look at salary bumps and teacher retention in this blog post.

Marnie Kaplan dissents on the idea that parental satisfaction is a good enough indicator for the effectiveness of school choice plans.

President Trump’s budget lands tomorrow. It may actually be as bad as you’ve heard.

Cindi Wiliams (and her husband Tony) get personal about their educational experience and a higher ed opportunity. 

This is must-reading, especially for anyone under 30. Derrell Bradford calls out the ed scene on its politics and social-first approach and makes the key point that if you like the Obama-era on education then you can’t ignore what brought it about.

Education reform isn’t about how you may or may not feel at cocktail parties or your own political or personal proclivities. It is about kids dying civic and physical deaths in schools that don’t work for them. Progress, real progress, never feels good. And it’s always uncomfortable, because change is uncomfortable, even when it’s for the better.

The role of charter policy in the recent LA School Board election.

College Advising Corps in The Times.

Recently we discussed the new idea for a private high school transcripts. Checker Finn, not a fan, takes deeper look at that here.

Kevin Carey on William Sanders and his impact.  RCE’s Jessica Towhey on Hanna Skandera and her’s.

The leader of education reform efforts at the Bureau of Prisons is out.

ExcelInEd with a handy landscape maps of competency-based initiatives.

Dan Willingham pushes back on the idea that Google means we don’t have to learn things. It is obviously deeply ironic how in love with workarounds to education the education field is in love with – doubly so when those workarounds are at odds with research evidence about how people learn. Related: Five myths from Ulrich Boser’s new book on learning.

It’s going to be easier to find room in that lazy river at the University of Missouri ($).

Here’s a deep dive on one school situation in Marin, CA. And here’s a dress-code debate from Massachusetts.

Florida man, large snake.

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