September 19, 2014

Friday Fish Porn: Fall Magic

By Bellwether

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IMG_2878Ben Wallerstein is a founder of Whiteboard Advisors and is involved in all manner of education projects.

He also has a honey fishing spot in the Wyoming backcountry, home to more public land than you can possibly explore in a lifetime. He was there this week. Nice trout. Some of his past fish via this link.

This time of year it doesn’t take much to get me to that part of the country – the days are crisp, the fishing is usually red hot, and the crowds long gone.  Give a talk to ten people at your Chamber of Commerce meeting that happens to be by the Roaring Fork or Madison Rivers? I’m in!

Only risk is weather but a  little snow never hurt anyone and can heat up the fishing anyway with crazy hatches. And, as you can tell from this pic, snow not an issue on this trip as you’re as likely to get a 70 degree day in September.

Wondering what fly fishing has to do with education? Not much. But here are about 100 pictures of education types with fish dating back to 2006. It’s the only collection of its kind!

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