When it comes to No Child Left Behind reauthorization, don’t hate the players, hate the game.
Seems like there is so much brinksmanship in New York education politics that reporters have to clear a bar of showing that this time it’s for real, it’s serious, it’s legit, etc..to get you to read. But it makes them sound like professional wrestling touts: Cuomo v. the unions…this time it’s personal!
From Marilyn Rhames, a story of doing what’s best for your child.
This is Twelve Ceasers type stuff, seemingly important politics while the entire thing is falling apart. The AFT and CTU’s problem is not Rahm Emanuel (who a new poll out today shows is doing better), it’s a revenue model that is sunsetting. That’s a problem for the teachers unions more generally. StudentsMatter just announced today that George Miller, the former House member, is partnering with them on a project…speaks volumes.
We badly need more dry humor in this sector. Backstory here.
The Department of Education is releasing a list of colleges that may have financial troubles. Good enough except Virginia’s Sweet Briar looked good under their metrics – then earlier this year announced it was a abruptly closing after the summer. Whomp wommmp. Seems to me schools like Sweet Briar have a lot to worry about as higher education changes. The elites, flagships, and other anchor schools will be okay but high-priced smaller schools seem very much at risk. That brings to mind Kevin Carey’s new book and Robert Pondiscio’s review of it for USN. Robert’s review was refreshingly on point and went after Kevin’s argument rather than Kevin (the reaction from the academy to Kevin’s work is a pretty good illustration of why higher ed is in some trouble, a lot of innuendo about Kevin etc…). Carey responds to Pondiscio here. I’m not as bullish as Kevin but changes are definitely afoot. But what do I know? My college advice to high school students choosing residential colleges is essentially to find a school you can afford, where you will learn something, and that is in a place where you want to live for four years of your life. In other words, here is as good a college guide as any unless you’re a robot.