Bellwether is hosting another blog training in February, applications due by the 21st of December. You can learn more about it, how to apply, and testimonials from alumni via this link. Past participants consistently rate this training as valuable, impactful for their work, and among the highest quality they have attended.
A couple of key things to bear in mind:
This training focuses exclusively on how to write and how to effectively market a blog. There will not be any focus on what to write. Applicants who are uncomfortable with an ideologically diverse environment are discouraged from applying. This seminar is strictly viewpoint neutral; participants and coaches will come from across the political and ideological spectrum. See full program details for more information.
Participants will be selected based on quality of application and ability to benefit. Priority is given to applicants with currently active personal or organizational blogs. Aspiring or new bloggers are encouraged to apply — if we get enough, we will hold a pre-training Boot Camp session on the afternoon of February 10. Authors of multi-topic blogs are also encouraged to apply, as long as 50 percent or more of the blog’s writing is education-focused.
If accepted, you must commit to attend the entire day-long event in Washington, D.C., which begins at 8 am and will end by 5 pm on Thursday February 11. An optional reception on the night of February 10 will provide an opportunity for participants to network with one another and the session leaders and facilitators.