Splitting the Bill: How Do School Finance Systems Support Students With Disabilities?Krista Kaput | Jennifer O’Neal Schiess
Strengthening State Higher Education Funding: Lessons Learned From K-12Matthew Richmond | Carrie Hahnel | Linea Harding | Nick Lee
Splitting the Bill: A Q&A on School Funding for English Learners with New America’s Leslie VillegasIndira Dammu
Splitting the Bill: A Q&A on School Facilities Funding with Public Policy Institute of California’s Dr. Julien LafortuneBonnie O'Keefe
Hidden Costs of a Variable Base: Lessons and Cautionary Tales in State School Funding PolicyLinea Harding
Testing the Waters: A Q&A Featuring Dr. Shaunté Duggins at the University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for LearningMichelle Croft
Testing the Waters: Insights Into Parent Perspectives on Through-Year Assessment ImplementationMichelle Croft | Titilayo Tinubu Ali | Bonnie O'Keefe
What Michigan’s New Concentrated Poverty Funding Can Teach Other States Biko McMillan | Bonnie O’Keefe
Declining Enrollment is Leading to School Closures. How Can Districts Limit the Harm to Their Most Vulnerable Students?Carrie Hahnel | Max Marchitello
Shared Strategies: An Examination of Bellwether’s School Cohort ProgramTHOMAS GOLD | PAUL BEACH | MELISSA STEEL KING | LEONARD D.T. NEWBY
Education and Housing Advocates Must Work Together to Dismantle the Segregation of Our Schools and CommunitiesCarrie Hahnel