Titilayo Tinubu Ali
Policy and Evaluation


Titilayo Tinubu Ali is a partner in the Policy and Evaluation practice area at Bellwether. She has spent her career at the intersection of research, policy, and philanthropy leading work on early childhood policy, education funding, educator workforce issues, and educational equity. Before joining Bellwether, Titilayo served as senior adviser and senior director of research and policy at Southern Education Foundation advancing equitable education policies and practices that elevate learning for students from low-income backgrounds and students of color across the southern U.S. Previously, Titilayo served as a founding team member and senior research and policy analyst at Learning Policy Institute where she conducted early childhood research and co-led the equitable resources and access team, which focused on the equitable distribution of financial and other critical resources — including access to high-quality educators, college-preparatory curriculum, and support services — to create the foundation necessary for every child to succeed. Titilayo also conducted research and advised professional athletes and artists on education grantmaking at Living Cities, a collaborative of foundations and corporate philanthropies working across sectors to close racial income and wealth gaps.

She is co-author of the book “On the Road to High-Quality Early Learning: Changing Children’s Lives” and her numerous briefs and reports have received coverage in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News, National Public Radio, and more. Titilayo holds an appointment at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy where she lectures on educational equity, law, and public policy.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Spelman College, a master’s degree in sociology of education and education policy from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

Why I do this work:

I believe all children should have access to a high-quality education, right from the start, that supports them in reaching their full potential. My grandparents only had access to elementary school education, but my parents had access to quality education that enabled them to earn doctorate and graduate degrees. I’ve seen the impact accessible, high-quality education can have on life outcomes in just one generation, and I believe our public education system should make this possible for every child.

Client segments served:

Early Childhood; K-12 Schools; School Districts; State Education Agencies; Foundations and Grantees; Nonprofit Organizations; Policy Organizations; Advocacy Groups

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Issue Expertise


Early Childhood Education
Federal Education Policy
Rural Education
School Districts
State Education Policy

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