April 13, 2018

21st Century Skills, Discipline, Education Media Bias, College Debate, School Names, And Has Reform Worked? More!

By Bellwether

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For a while education has been animated by the idea that with all this technology around us who needs to know “mere” facts. You can just look stuff up. That ignores how people learn, but more troubling it may lead to things like this: A startling number of millennials don’t know some of the basic dynamics of the Holocaust.

Also leads to this:


Here’s a content analysis of education coverage and partisan lean, both national and trade coverage.

An analysis of Newark’s school enrollment system.

This article is about the ongoing debate about Broward school discipline / Parkland shooting, but this line is something to keep an eye on:

“Teachers come to me and tell me, ‘My principal’s making me feel like it’s my fault when students misbehave,’ and ‘I’m asking for help, and they’re still putting it on me,’ ” Anna Fusco, the Broward County teachers’ union president, tells me the following day. We are at a downtown café between sessions in the all-day school board meeting, and she is describing a form of negligence that doesn’t show up in any documents. “Management denies it,” she says, but hundreds of teachers have complained to her about the district’s “unspoken” rule to avoid referrals.

Marc Tucker on the “has reform worked?” question/debate.

Area successful college-educated man questions benefits of college.

Cornell fire cold case. Engaging read.

Even accounting for the dislike hardcore “lost cause” types have for the cavalry officer, it seems weird that it’s easier to rename schools named after J.E.B. Stuart than Jeff Davis. But here we are. Anyway,  J.E.B. Stuart High School has a new look as Justice High (but same achievement gaps unfortunately). Debate continuing elsewhere about what to do about Confederate-themed schools. (Spelling updated via a very good tweet).

Love child.

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