Posting is light this week because Emmeline Zhao and I were spending a few days at the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp with an amazing group of kids who are burn survivors and the fantastic all-volunteer camp staff who put on the annual week-long camp for them. More on that soon via The 74, including video. On the right, a group of campers work together on the high ropes course at Camp Horizons near Harrisonburg, Virginia.
I spent some time with Brian Jones recently discussing his influences and mentors and why everyone needs to find their own Duran Duran. Via The 74.
Ashley LiBetti argues that teacher residencies can give school districts more leverage in the education talent market. Also 74.
Marc Tucker on education stories.
Here’s a paper that suggests, with an interesting analysis, that perhaps all is not lost for the teachers unions with Janus.
Robert Pondiscio on a forthcoming civics equity lawsuit.