On this date in 1969 it was a good day for the Navy as Pete Conrad and Alan Bean of Apollo 12 became the second team to visit the Moon. Among other work they brought back some parts from an unmanned spacecraft that had used their same landing site a few years earlier.
In education, whistling past the graveyard? Charter school supporters and reformers more generally are still parsing Hillary Clinton’s charter school remarks like Kremlinologists looking for little clues or signals. Meanwhile, Randi Weingarten is emerging as the campaign’s surrogate on charter schools. Hello people!
Clinton ed policy lead Ann O’Leary says Clinton is really for charter schools. RiShawn Biddle says not so fast. Meanwhile, most Americans say, “I just told a pollster I support them, but what is a charter school anyway?” And, “what are we going to do about ISIS?”
Chad Aldeman says, wait, don’t take your eye off teacher effectiveness policy!
Should be noted that compared to the Republicans the Democratic debate is a veritable symposium on education policy these days….
Last week I moderated a discussion with Kaya Henderson about Washington, D.C. and her five years here. That link will take you to video. We talked about the schools but also the experiences she’s had in this role. Don’t miss Ed Trust’s Sonja Santelises’ intro.
Ed First on what now after RTT. Pensions and intergenerational transfer. School choice and anti-semitism. When disruption isn’t. Peter Hoffman on under-adressing over-testing.
Gates Foundation getting into teacher prep.
ESEA deal looks promising at this point on the Hill. Only things that seem like they could derail would be a conservative revolt (the bill doesn’t have a lot of conservative elements and revolts always possible there these days even on routine stuff) or opposition by pro-accountability (doesn’t have a lot of that either) Dems like Murphy, Warren, and Booker. The enormous counterweight on the Dem side? Clearing this off the decks for Hillary Clinton so she can have a cleaner education message heading into a general election and checking Duncan, surprising amount of animosity there.  Anyway, it’s all about the kids…
Paul Hill on John Chubb.