Jim Cowen and I discuss the ESSA review work the Collaborative For Student Success and Bellwether is doing, along with other discussions about ESSA review work via a new series of podcasts.
Chad Aldeman compares pension plans.
The procedure involved alcohol and metal – and this isn’t a music story.
This is a great chance to learn about school finance from The Commodore herself.
Wash Post on higher ed, people are angry out there. That’s one takeaway. Also, snakes.
Willingham on reading and knowledge. Important research-grounded ideas that are too frequently ignored.
But sitting in my classroom, alone on that Saturday, figuring out how and when I should turn on the cooler and just what those bulletin boards should look like, I realized that Lennon and McCartney lied to me.
$10m Series B for Better Lesson.
A few years ago I did a column and event at Harvard on the NFL and teacher education and possible transferable lessons – the only time I have ever been or will ever be mentioned in the Boston Globe’s NFL coverage. Goldstein goes wild and revisits the case.
Bobcat on the move.