September 18, 2017

Free College…But Wait, There’s More! ESSA Plans, Civic Ed, DeVos’ Visits, Choices, And Boat! Plus Jim Ryan Returning to C’ville. More!

By Bellwether

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Bonnie O’Keefe on teacher turnover and school improvement work.

Phillip Burgoyne-Allen on Constitution Day and civic ed.

Ashley Mitchel and Chad Aldeman on ESSA plans. (Plus other ESSA takes).

New documentary on the digital divide – premieres on Nat’l Geo on 9/26. Preview here.

There are a bunch of ways to support Americans in pursuing post-secondary education and training that are more efficient and effective than Berniecrat-style “free college.” But as Anne Kim points out, the free college proposal has the added drawback of being lousy politics as well.

Betsy DeVos can’t win. Here’s Politico:

THE DEVOS EFFECT: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is putting a tiny private school in Kansas City on the map – though maybe not in the way she hoped to do on her “Rethink School” tour this week. DeVos’ first stop today is at the Kansas City Academy, a sixth through 12th grade school of about 76 students with a “progressive” focus. Her stop has drawn plans to protest – from members of the community who the head of the school said likely didn’t know the school even existed before DeVos made plans to visit. “This is very strange for us,” said Kory Gallagher, who heads the school. “We tend to talk about our school as being the best-kept secret in Kansas City.”

– The school is something of an odd choice for a visit from the Trump administration. Gallagher said the Kansas City Academy educates a large number of LGBT students…

OK, it’s not just DeVos, none of us win when people simultaneously deride a public official for being indifferent to a set of concerns and then turn around and protest when that same official makes an effort. You’re going to have to find someone other than me to defend DeVos these days, but this seems unproductive. Or, maybe protest Jeff Sessions instead?

Also, Betsy DeVos waiting for the right time to make her big choice move. And DeVos’ boat is probably bigger than yours.

This tax policy debate in Washington could have a big impact on schools.

Colleges stepping up their rural focus.

Jim Ryan, the current dean at the Harvard GSE, will be the next president of the University of Virginia – he’s deeply invested in the education issue at the K-12 level and thoughtful on it. He’s also young. Huge potential for impact.

Lynx cats. Debating.

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