December 1, 2017

Friday Links – Short And Sweet (The Milk Part) But With Side Hustles! And Real Hustles, Too.

By Bellwether

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Kirsten Schmitz says teachers are underpaid, shouldn’t need side hustles, and there is a pension reform angle to that story.

Michael Flynn pleading guilty today in the Mueller probe. Good time to point out that among his other business dealings was taking money from the Turkish government to discredit charter schools in the United States that are associated with followers of a Turkish dissident who lives here – and is into math and science among other things. Flynn did a good job of it and the number of people in our sector who parroted that stuff courtesy of his work, a lot of which was just think veiled anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bigotry, was pretty stunning. Stay woke everyone!

Breaking: Betsy DeVos likes school choice and thinks it might improve things! She said so in a speech. Everyone outraged all over again. Find your own links.


Big win for chocolate milk in the school nutrition debate.

This Ballou situation is not a good one.

Apparently someone wrote this with a straight face:

The study aims to put to rest a long-held debate about whether alternative route teacher training programs, which tend to provide a quick path to the classroom for people who already have a bachelor’s degree, can sufficiently prepare new educators.

RiShawn Biddle reads LM-2 forms so you don’t have to. All that NEA money isn’t just going to PD.

Young farmers can produce good fresh food for kids – but it’s not an easy field. Here’s more on that.

Holiday cheer from Valerie June.

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