June 11, 2018

Janus, Edujobs, Bradford On Integration, Willingham Is Never Average, Newark, Kane, More!

By Bellwether

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Scroll down for some Edujobs. Here at Bellwether we are growing and  hiring for a few roles, several openings on our evaluation team and a new analyst role.

Kelly Robson with a handy Janus explainer.

I take a look at Social Security and physically demanding jobs.

False alarm on a Janus ruling today but we’re going to run out of June Mondays soon so stay tuned. Here are some resources to help you get up to speed on the case – and why it matters.

Derrell Bradford points out some inconsistencies in the arguments that school integration should supersede other reform efforts.

Pam Moran exit interview.

Dan Willingham on “The End of Average.”

You will not believe this: There may have been some political shenanigans in Newark with the superintendent search.

You’re hearing more conversations about efficacy and ed tech and more discussions on research and evaluation. Here’s Tom Kane with some colleagues on one idea. 

GoPro engulfed in molten lava, keeps filming.

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