December 11, 2020

Odds & Ends, GGW, Fragmentation, Income & Demographics

By Bellwether

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This new census data on income has a few eduimplications and as we saw with voting, education and location are big drivers.

Households led by Asian Americans had a median household income of $88,204 over the five year period covered by the 2015-2019 American Community Survey, the highest of any racial or ethnic group. Asian Americans make up almost 6% of the U.S. population.

Nationwide, the median household income for 2015-2019 was $62,843. The median income for Non-Hispanic white households was $68,785. It was $51,811 for Latino-lead households and $41,935 for Black-lead households.

Goldstein’s been going wild at Fordham about tutoring in a five-part series well worth your time. First one is here.

At Bellwether we do a lot of work on fragmented systems and ways to foster better coordination for students. This new report from Strada gets at some of those challenges in the post-secondary sector. 

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