March 16, 2015

Personnel News – Hyslop To ED

By Bellwether

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It’s a bittersweet day at Bellwether. Today BW senior policy analyst Anne Hyslop is being announced as  Senior Policy Advisor for the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the Department of Education. She’ll start there at the end of the month.

Anne has done great work since she joined our team continuing her track record of bringing serious and fact-based analysis to complicated policy questions. Before she leaves we’ll be wrapping up a fascinating project on the intersection of personalized learning initiatives with federal accountability requirements that highlights some hard questions about balancing innovation with accountability. Issues like that are right in her wheelhouse.

We have very low turnover at Bellwether but this is one of the things that makes Bellwether great: We  want to keep our strong talent and develop and promote people internally but are also thrilled to see people move onto positions of leadership outside our organization that advance their careers and benefit the broader field. Anne will certainly do that, she’s as sharp as they come on federal policy, NCLB, and waivers and the department is lucky to have her.

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