January 1, 1970

Expanding Educational Options: Emergent Policy Trends

By Alex Spurrier | Lynne Graziano | Brian Robinson | Juliet Squire

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The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way that families and policymakers view K-12 education. Learning loss is having an outsized impact on students who were furthest from opportunity before the pandemic. And families are increasingly looking for new educational options for their children. 

For decades, access to educational options meant “school choice” — now it’s time to think broadly about an ecosystem of flexible “learning options.” Beyond traditional options, such as school choice through open enrollment, charter schools, and private school choice, policymakers are increasingly providing families with access to more flexible learning opportunities through Education Savings Accounts and “learn anywhere” policies.

Expanding Educational Options: Emergent Policy Trends examines some of the most important trends in the realm of option-expanding state policies, along with recommendations to ensure that all families have equitable access to these educational opportunities. The analysis in the deck was informed by a scan of current and proposed policies across 18 states, a working version of which is available here.


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