August 13, 2020

A School Leader’s Guide to Effective Stakeholder Engagement

By Katie Rouse

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Families, teachers, and communities all have varying perspectives on what the school year can and should hold for students. School leaders need to balance these voices in decision-making through effective and authentic stakeholder engagement.

Stakeholder engagement is essential for school leaders confronting change and uncertainty. And yet there are better and worse ways for school leaders to engage stakeholders in their decision-making processes: It’s far too easy to neglect important groups, spend too much time with some groups and not enough with others, or fail to take into account how past decisions and community context may affect the perception of leadership decisions. 

A School Leader’s Guide to Effective Stakeholder Engagement” can help leaders avoid these pitfalls. This slide deck provides an overview of stakeholder engagement and easy-to-understand steps, and a linked workbook (on slide 5) provides a resource to support school leaders as they implement their approach.

Download the deck here or read it in the viewer below.

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